About me

I am a dog owner, dog trainer and behaviourist, loving to observe and analyse dogs and thus interpreting their behaviour, explaining the dog body language and helping to set basis for harmonious living for the dog and the owner. I believe dogs are amazing animals and often are underestimated or simply misunderstood. Science in the area of the animal behaviour is constantly evolving and I want to grow my knowledge with it.

My Story

I am certified dog behaviorist and I constantly upgrade my knowledge.


I want to help dogs to be understood and their owners to see and understand what dogs are trying to say and show. I am glad to share the knowledge I have and to help dogs and their owners to communicate and live together in a harmony. 


Ever since I remember myself, I have been interested in dogs and animals overall. I have deep interest in understanding the reasoning "why" dogs act or behave in a certain way and how they see and interpret different situations. 


I have done obedience, agility and dog show trainings with my dogs. I have completed 2-year course (Level 4) at Nordic Dog Trainers school (Norway), 10-month course at Latvian Cynological Federation (Latvia), distance courses on Animal behaviour in Duke University (USA), and have participated in many seminars and online courses.


Currently I have three Rhodesian ridgebacks and one papillon, but from the rainbow bridge we are supervised by one more Rhodesian ridgeback, a small mixed breed rescue dog and a rough collie.